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Personal Training

Working with a personal trainer gives you a partner on your fitness journey. After developing a customized plan for you that incorporates nutrition, physical wellness, and lifestyle, your trainer will help you improve your overall fitness, break out of ruts that may occur in training, and meet your fitness goals.

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Group Training

Along with personalized workouts, most clients benefit from small sessions with a group of friends or team members we match you up with. The experience gives you the benefit of group interaction and support and the expertise of your certified Fit Factory Studio personal trainer who leads the group.

Our programs

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The Fit Factory offers you a personalized plan for success in creating the fit YOU you want to be.

The Fit Factory Studio is all about offering our clients a personalized path to fitness based on their history, their health, and their goals. It is not just working out at a gym, losing weight, or participating in some group classes for 6 weeks. It is a lifestyle change that involves all these components and more.

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Our Approach

Taking your history, health, and goals into account, we develop an approach to success for you that might include:

Personal Training

Personal Training

Using our professional experiences, knowledge of scientific and industry trends, and your individual profile, we will develop a plan that may include strength training, muscle gain, firming and toning, and more. We want to help you meet and beat your personal best.

Group Training

Group Training

Along with personalized workouts, most clients benefit from small sessions with a group of friends or team members we match you up with. Other participants may need some of the same workout components as you do – even if their profile differs.

The experience of group workouts gives you the benefit of group interaction and support along with the expertise of your certified Fit Factory Studio personal trainer who leads the group. Group training can be fun and useful – especially after months of pandemic isolation.

Personalized Meal Plans

Personalized Meal Plans

Good nutrition is an important component of good health. Your path to wellness starts with healthy eating along with exercise, strength training, aerobics. We help you understand what you need to maintain your health and fitness and even provide meal plans to help fulfill your goals.

While many diets such as Keto, Paleo, Low-Carb, Pescatarian, Balanced, and Vegetarian are popular and have good impressive short-term results for some people, not all may work for you. We work together with you to find the right meal plan for you that will help you reach a weight you will be happy with and successful at maintaining.

Meal Prep Services

Meal Prep Services

Having a meal plan is a good first step to healthy eating, but preparing the right foods may be a challenge if you have a busy lifestyle. The Fit Factory Studio offers meal plans that correspond to your menu needs for any diet or meal plan.

Fully-prepared meals comprised of foods you have preselected will arrive each day from Monday through Friday. Just microwave and enjoy diet-friendly meals prepared with locally sourced ingredients. What you get will be healthy – and delicious!

Getting where you want to be is not a quick fix, but we will work with you to get your health where you want it to be. Rather than just develop an exercise routine for you, we create a path to wellness that relies on nutrition, strength training, aerobics, discussion, and more - all the tools you need based on your client profile.

What's Your Client Profile?

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Every client who walks in our doors has specialized needs, so we create a unique plan that balances their needs. Here are 2 examples that may remind you of yourself.

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Client A

When you come to the gym as a 37-year-old male who is 5'10 and weigh 203, there is more to your story. You sit at a desk all day and play a little golf or shoot hoops with your friends on the weekend. You broke your leg five years ago and still have pain when you're on it too much. You try to watch your weight, but you love the carbs. Your cholesterol is high.

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Client B

Or you are a 42-year-old woman who works long days on your feet as a sales executive before coming home to a busy household. You know how to eat right, but life is busy, so bringing home dinner from the drive-through is all too easy. You still have some sagging muscles from your last pregnancy six years ago and can't get off the 20 pounds you need to look and feel your best. You used to be a runner years ago, but now all you have time to do is run yourself ragged.

What About You?

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Maybe the facts of your fitness journey are different. Regardless of your story, the Fit Factory Studio knows that helping clients like you requires a personalized approach. That's why our trainers work with you to learn your story, both the history and the current reality.

If you are ready to explore your personalized fitness journey, we can help you move from your comfort zone to a healthier, happier place. Contact us to discuss our programs or schedule an appointment with one of our personal trainers today.

Start your commitment to fitness today!

Please leave a message on our website (click for form) or email us, and we will get back to you within 24 hours. If you call, we may be busy assisting our clients but we will promptly return your call.

Request a Free consultation

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Start your commitment to fitness today! Contact us to discuss our programs or schedule an appointment with one of our personal trainers today.

    contact us

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    75153 Merle Dr., Suite 1 Palm Desert, CA 92211